How to delete a class instance created in Python

Hi everybody,
I’m exploring with a menu following a camera in Rhino.
I implemented a class, so I can create an instance of that class and the objects keep following the camera after the script gets executed - the only thing it does is creating that instance.

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino
import scriptcontext

def multiMenu ():
    op1 = rs.AddTextDot ("Rule 1", (-1,0,0))
    op2 = rs.AddTextDot ("Rule 2", (+0,0,0))
    op3 = rs.AddTextDot ("Rule 3", (+1,0,0))
    return [op1, op2, op3]

#menu floating around users head
class Menu:

def __init__(self):
    self.dist = 30
    self.prevPos = (0,0,0)
    #creates initial shape for menu, which will be moved around
    #self.object = cubeFromCenter (self.prevPos, 3)
    self.object = multiMenu()

def createEvents (self):
    #Rhino.Display.DisplayPipeline.CalculateBoundingBox += self.OnCameraChange
    Rhino.RhinoApp.Idle += self.OnCameraChange
    Rhino.RhinoDoc.SelectObjects += self.OnSelectObjects

# CameraChange event handler
def OnCameraChange(self, sender, e):
    #print "Camera changed"

def OnSelectObjects(self, sender, e):
    #print "selected"

def menuAction(self):
    #print "selected"
    selection = rs.SelectedObjects()
    #print len(selection)
    menuItems = self.object
    #if selection:
        #for menuItem in self.object:
            #for selected in selection:
                #if selected == menuItem:
                    #print menuItem.text

def updatePosition(self):
    camPos = rs.ViewCameraTarget() [0]
    camTargetPos = rs.ViewCameraTarget() [1]
    camRay = rs.VectorUnitize (rs.VectorCreate (camTargetPos, camPos))
    currPos = rs.VectorAdd (camPos, rs.VectorScale (camRay, self.dist))
    if (currPos != self.prevPos):
        #update prevPos
        translation = rs.VectorCreate (currPos, self.prevPos)
        self.prevPos = currPos
        #rs.DeleteObject (self.object)
        #self.object = cubeFromCenter (currPos, 3)
        rs.MoveObjects (self.object, translation)

#just for testing purposes
rs.DeleteObjects (rs.AllObjects())
#creates Menu instance
newMenu = Menu()
print newMenu
#delete newMenu

# save the value for use in the future
scriptcontext.sticky["menu_instance"] = newMenu

All is working well, except I am not being able to delete the instance afterwards, which I need to do for testing edits to the script. Everytime I run the script, it seems like it creates a new instance and that there are multiple instances running simultaneously. I am trying to delete the instance with another script, and using sticky for “saving” the instance name/memory address. Here’s the code for the other script:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext

#delete newMenu
if scriptcontext.sticky.has_key("menu_instance"):
    activeMenuInstance = scriptcontext.sticky["menu_instance"]
    print activeMenuInstance
    del activeMenuInstance

What I get from printing the activeMenuInstance is something like
<__main__.Menu instance at 0x0000000000000081>
(the number is incremented with each new instance…).

How can I delete those instances? Thanks in advance!