How to automatically create an infill / negative volume surface

I tried looking through a bunch of previous posts but couldn’t find anything relevant.

I am modeling the gastrointestinal system on Rhino 6, the whole model is a bunch of surfaces and polysurfaces. I need to find a way to create a polysurface that basically infills all the remaining volume in between the organs to represent the fat in our tummys.

i.e) I have my small and large intestines for example, and I need to somehow fill in the void with a surface to occupy all the empty volume between them, basically the negative.

I looked through some mould making videos (to figure out creating negatives) but nothing seemed to work, I also tried to solve for the intersection between a bunch of planes cutting through the model to extract the curves then try to loft them but that didn’t work either… Any ideas on how to approach this? either rhino or gh could work.

Thank you in advance

Welcome @talal.ammouri
This should help get a better response

one of the problems I see there is that most of the surfaces are selfintersecting. any boolean operation will fail.
that’s why you can see the interior of the surface instead of the exterior like it were flipped or something.

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Yeah that model is a bit…messy.

What is the ultimate purpose? Render? 3D print? There may be a shortcut depending on the goal.

It’s as messy as the human body :smiley:

The goal is to eventually render and animate the model. Looking forward to your response

Well if it’s for rendering then you don’t necessarily need to actually make a solid, just have a copy of the render mesh of the interior surfaces and the outer envelope of it, with their normals flipped, and…there you go, instant something-like-a-filled-in-volume. As long as you don’t need to say actually slice through it.

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