How do I get the optional outputs in an overloaded function again?

I forgot (or not sure I really ever knew)… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

For example:

(the basic output is just the 3D point)

If you wanted to use the C# style call, you need to pass in a clr.Reference[T] object in place of the out / ref parameter to hold the value. You can access that value through the Value property.

import Rhino.Geometry as rg
import System
import clr
closestPoint = clr.StrongBox[rg.Point3d]()
ci = clr.StrongBox[rg.ComponentIndex]()
s = clr.StrongBox[System.Double]()
t = clr.StrongBox[System.Double]()
normal = clr.StrongBox[rg.Vector3d]()
brep.ClosestPoint(point, closestPoint, ci, s, t, 5.0, normal)

a = closestPoint.Value
b = ci.Value
c = s.Value
d = t.Value
e = normal.Value (3.3 KB)

Another method:

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@Helvetosaur, in C# the out method is used when a method will return more than one value . ClosestPoint returns a boolean, as well as the rest of the data that is decorated with the out keyword. Point3d testPoint and double maximumDistance are the arguments for the method.

As for the link you provided, there is only one return value, the rest are method parameters.

Hi Mitch

This seems to work here:

import Rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

gid = rs.GetObject( 'Brep ?' )
re = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjRef( gid ).Brep()
pt = rs.GetPoint( 'Point ?' )
ok, clop, ci, s, t, nrm = re.ClosestPoint( pt, 1000 )
print( 'clop ' + str( clop ) )
print( 'ci ' + str( ci ) )
print( 's ' + str( s ) )
print( 't ' + str( t ) )
print( 'nrm ' + str( nrm ) )

HTH, regards

Hi Emilio,


Hmm, I had tried that first, but I only used


which didn’t work. What I didn’t realize was that the second (maximum distance) argument was not optional…

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Sorry, pasted the wrong link - corrected above.