How can I add such a shortcut to change colors?

How can I add such a shortcut to change colors?
I know Display Color And Othre , But I want a shortcut like in the video .

It’s a popular script that’s used by many. Here is the file that you could use when you assign it to a custom icon. Also, put this “Set wireframe color” as a name for the icon. And this is the icon itself (same as the “Object properties” icon):


! -_Runscript (

Option Explicit
' Script written by Guilherme C. Webster, Jan/2005
' Designed to quicly change the wireframe color of any objects in Rhinoceros 3D

Sub WireColor

Dim arrObj, lngColor

arrObj = Rhino.GetObjects ("Select objects to change wireframe color", 0, True, True)
       If Not IsNull (arrObj) Then
       lngColor = Rhino.GetColor
       Exit Sub
       End If
                If Not IsNull (lngColor) Then
                Rhino.ObjectColor arrObj, lngColor
                Exit Sub
                End If

End Sub

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And here is another script to quickly change the render colour. However, it has one disadvantage: If you assign a custom render colour and immediately press “Undo”, the object(s) will be made pitch black. Other than that, it works fine. Name of the command is “Set render color”.
This is the icon:

! -_Runscript (

Option Explicit
' Script written by Guilherme C. Webster, Jan/2005
' Designed to quicly change the render/material color of any objects in Rhinoceros 3D

Sub RenderColor

Dim arrObj, strObj
Dim intIndex
Dim lngColor

arrObj = Rhino.GetObjects ("Select objects to change material color", 0 , True, True, True)
       If Not IsNull(arrObj) Then
          lngColor = Rhino.GetColor
       Exit Sub
       End If
           If Not IsNull (lngColor) Then

              Rhino.command ("-_properties m o r c 0,0,0 enter enter")
              Rhino.ObjectMaterialSource arrObj, 1

              For Each strObj In arrObj
                  intIndex = Rhino.ObjectMaterialIndex(strObj)
                  Rhino.MaterialColor intIndex, lngColor

              Rhino.print "Material color changed sucessfully."

           Exit Sub
           End If

End Sub

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Thank you so much :bouquet::bouquet::bouquet:

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Hello - for quick one-shot color setting to known colors:

! _-Properties _Pause _Object _Color _Object 255,0,0 EnterEnd


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