How about application

I got one for windows 10. But after installed it’s not work and just said: Application Error. Please, tell me how can i do, now?

check windows updates and maybe try a clean instalation with admin permisions.

Thank you. I will try. I have cad and its not working too @,@. The same situation

What version of Rhino do you have? Did you download it from the main Rhino site here?

Also, if you are having installation problems, you might want to consult the reseller you bought your Rhino license from, maybe they can help you directly.

You haven’t provided ANY information for anyone to possibly give you any help.

I installed rhino while turning on the virus software, that’s why I couldn’t use rhino. after reset the Window and reinstalled rhino. And now, it’s working fine ^^.
Thanks for your kind reply ^^