Hops instance shows "this component is currently inactive" on file reload


I’m not sure if this is expected or not, and happy to provide the files but thought I’d start off with just a screenshot and a question in case this is a known bug/issue.

In testing Hops, I have 3 Hops component instances - two using a local .gh file and one using the URL (raw content in a public GitHub repo) of a .gh file. If I reduce one of the first two, or both, this issue doesn’t occur. If I have three of the same remote URL instances, it doesn’t occur.

However with this combination, not on the initial load into Grasshopper but when it’s closed down then reloaded, I get the component with the remote URL being apparently inactive (note the “This component is currently inactive” at the bottom) with no value returned:

Note that when I Recompute, it works (“This component ran once”) and returns the correct value.

Some more details: I’m running Rhino 8 and just using local Rhino Compute instance (as you can see in the Rhino.Compute console window).
The hops instances from top to bottom have these settings:

  • top: synchronous, cache in memory
  • middle: asynchronous, cache in memory
  • bottom: synchronous, cache on server

Does this ring any bells at all? Would you have any clues as to why this is happening?



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