I’m looking for a display mode to use in layout details that show the hidden flanges and hidden webs as just as lines as shown in the image. The only thing that I could find is using the wireframe display with tangent edges enabled but that shows the line for the outer flange face to web toe fillet. Thanks for the help
Hi @patskorut the Technical display mode lets you see these hidden edges, but it’s not working with VisualARQ objects. We will take a look at this.
On the other hand, we plan to include the option to display these hidden edges in the Hidden display mode in future versions.
Hi Fransesc,
Thanks for letting me know that the display mode won’t work with VisualARQ objects, Please keep me updated if you guys get it working.
Just to let you know that make2d also doesn’t work well with VisualARQ objects, meaning that when you make2d a visualARQ object the object attributes don’t transfer to the 2d objects which takes a lot of the advantages that 3d modeling should provide i.e. making callouts easier, using the vaTables, keeping the model size down because you have to explode the visualARQ objects to be able to really start 2d drafting. But keep me updated on this if you could, thanks
Hi @patskorut,
This is fixed for the next Beta version.
Do you have an example of that? The Make2D should work with VA objects as with other Rhino geometry. The attributes in the resulting 2D are managed from the Layers panel.
Why don’t you try to generate the 2D drawings by printing the model to vector output in real-time views using Hidden display mode instead of laying all the 2D geometry in the model space?
That’s the best option to keep your 3D model clean, with no tons of extra 2D geometry in the model space, have the 2D-drawings and 3D model synchronized, and keep the file size small.
Check this out: https://youtu.be/3sDk_Xm1Obw?si=ri1Jg2pJxBetaP2W
@patskorut We have just published a new Beta version that fixes the display of VisualARQ objects in Technical display, so they show now the hidden lines:
Exceptional! Does this work with the layout vector output?
@Toni_Osterlund , can you share that file?
@fsalla I’ve sent the file via email.
@fsalla I shared that with the previous post. Seems to be exactly the same.
@fsalla is there a way to change the hidden ltype type or scale in the technical display style? I have been looking for a way but can’t figure it out. Please keep me updated if you get this feature working with the Hidden display type that would be awesome, thanks.
Will the vaPlanView / vaSectionView still be a part of VA3 or deprecated? They offer a decent alternative for when the visual styles just don’t want to cooperate.
@fsalla Restarting Rhino seemed to do the trick.
These features are and will be available in VisualARQ 3.
I ignore if this is possible. @wim?
Hi Patrick -
We have that feature request on the list as RH-23195 Technical mode needs more options for hidden lines?
As you can see in that report, we have no specific plans at this point for when this might be looked at.
Note that when you print a view in a technical display mode to vector PDF, the resulting hidden lines will use the definition of the Hidden
linetype. So, for output, this is already implemented.