Hexahedron to Tetrahedron? Is it possible?

Hello everyone, i have some problems with my structures in rhinocerros and grasshooper and i hope that you will be able to help me with this. I need to create a cube porous structure with a specific shape of a cells. First task was to make it hexahedrons and this is correct, i did it.


The question is: Is there any possibility to make this cells tetrahedrons? For example some transforming from hexahedrons to tetra or another solution? I would be really grateful for help and some ideas! Thank you all in advance. Here is my file .gh file:

hexahedral.gh (14.8 KB)

if you want to stay with cube it is simple, just draw them in a unit cube then use Custom Cell

If you want a regular packing, I am not sure there is one !!!

You’ll find some tool to make tetrahedron inside mesh

Is it possible that you will send me the file, because i still occur the problem, when i try to design the cell: “failed convert curve into brep” and i actually don’t know what is it about

it will be better you send a file because I don’t see the reason of this error.
In order to make a cell make line in a unit cube. It is explained in the component. Plug topo in topo and it must work.

You can extract 12 lines from the Preset Cell “L” output with the Grid type.

Then draw the 6 remaining lines.