Help rotating points around a curve

I am trying to rotate points on curves a random distance. However when I use the rotate and random nodes it moves most of the points by the same value, and then one set of points it duplicates many times. I know the solution has to be simple, but everything I try doesn’t work. Any help would be great! (10.1 KB)

You flattened one list but not the other so their structure does not match. I don’t know what your next step is but the easiest thing would be to flatten both lists. The best thing to do you be to u flatten your random value list and match the tree structure to your list of points.

Just unflatten your list length component. That will generate 1 random value for each item in each branch.

Hah. :rofl:

Thank you! I must’ve flattened it in my clicking around to try and fix stuff.

How did you get your wires to be straight like that? Seems a little cleaner to me

WiresRenderer | Food4Rhino

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What @Ftzuk said :slight_smile: