Grasshopper and Arduino real-time communication

The MPU-6050 gyroscope captures motion in real-time and sends data to Grasshopper through the serial port using Firefly’s Serial Read Generic component. In Grasshopper, the Kangaroo plugin simulates moving balls’ dynamics based on this data. The process is then completed by generating a 64-bit binary array, which is sent back to the Arduino using Firefly’s Serial Write Generic component. This action animates a dot matrix display, creating complex and intricate patterns.


Great example!

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Wow! :star_struck: Amazing work :clap:t3::clap:t3:
Is firefly working well with Rhino 8?

Unfortunately, many of the Arduino related tools won’t work in Rhino 8. The computer vision, etc. tools should still work I believe.

Thank you Andy.

I’m an absolute novice but hoping to be able to have music animate a tensile structure or parametric structure in Rhino, something like this video.

Then I will render that Rhino animation with AI, using stable diffusion, animatediff etc.

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@Mahdiyar Did you grasshopper definition rely on the read component outputting a list? Would you be willing to share your script at all?

I have found a way to get it to work for the most part in Rhino 8. For context, Mcneel switched the runtime moving from R7 to R8 for future compatibility between Windows and Mac. Thankfully this is something that you can manually switch back.

use the command SetDotNetRuntime. Change it from Default to NetFramework. You will need to restart Rhino, but you should see that Firefly works now. I haven’t found any limitations since the switch.

As a note, as we move forward in time, some plugins might (and likely all maintained plugins eventually) require the default/NetCore runtime. So remember that you switched this setting other things break in the future for no reason.

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