Grasshopper 2 Icon Reference Chart


@DavidRutten - I was wondering if there is a reference chart for all the icons in Grasshopper 2?

It would really help in ensuring the same aesthetic!

You previously created one for Grasshopper 1.

My 2 cents as there is a tool in rhino8 to make icon for Grasshopper ghicon and png I think you’ll find most of the recommendations.

The new interface is a bit different

After using “Run Setup Command” _G2IconSetup
You can the use G2IconSymbol

Or draw in the zone and apply a color or the wire or filling

Then click on save with 5 formats/sizes


All my Icon on Nautilus plugin were done like that, using png as output as I still work on Rhino 7.


There is a G2ExportIcons command that you may find useful:


Wow, this is actually a very fun tool!

Yes It is very useful, the only thing that is not working on my PC is the raycast render, it just show few pixels and not the whole icon.

Don’t forget that there are many standard shapes available via Rhino Textdots.

You can create standard sized circles (small, medium, large) if you place a dot with a period, lower-case o, or upper case O.

Box, Tube, Sphere are used to create primitive shapes.

Any dot containing double-quote delineated text become characters. I only defined the common English letter and digits. You can use a backtick to move the subsequent character one pixel to the left (poor man’s pixel-perfect kerning).

The G2IconSymbol command provides access to a lot of the standard codes and parameters.

Also you can control the z-depth of the 2D icon vector shapes either by moving the shapes up in 3D, or by using the BringToFront or PushToBack commands in Rhino.

Here’s an icon made using only TextDot shapes.


Hello David,
is there a way to see the raycast better ?
I see that on my screen (2560 x 1080)

That’s what it’s supposed to look like. It shows you how the shapes look when displayed at their indicated pixel size. You can tell for example that your ‘x’ doesn’t look like an X when viewed at 100% zoom and 100% screen scaling.

Or did you mean that it’s off-screen? You can double click on the category labels (Edges, Fills, Preview, etc.) to collapse them. That should free up more space for the raycast preview.

Yes it works, strange that I didn’t think of that ? I left and right clicked !

It’s very undiscoverable. I’d also like to automatically resize the preview and raycast controls so they are square, but that turns out to be very difficult when they are hosted in those Rhino panels.

is it not possible to have something like other Rhino UI like that ? It is a single click and a symbol.


Yeah it’s possible, just don’t like that the category text is so contrasting, the category line is so faint and the label is left-aligned.

Hi David, GHicon is amazing! Such a practical and beautifully designed tool—thank you so much for that. I have a question: Is there a list of all the standard shapes available?

You mean the ones created via textdots? The G2IconSymbol command gives you access to most if not all the predefined ones, along with the basic arguments they accept. But I’m pretty sure it’s not a fully complete list. I’m still occasionally adding new shapes (like arrow just a week or so ago) and I don’t always remember to update the command. At some point we’ll have full documentation available, but not yet.

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I see, thanks a lot David