It’s possible to create clusters in Grasshopper 2.0?
Nope, not yet. I started on the concept with a somewhat simpler type called Chains, but clusters are not available yet.
Hi David,
ok, thanks
I have high hopes for Clusters or other methods for making Grasshopper 2 definitions more compact.
For years, it was not possible to rely on Clusters 100%. I think at least some of the issues with them have been fixed, but Clusters still have their problems from a UX perspective IMO. I would be very happy if they could be avoided in the second installment of Grasshopper. Perhaps one might look separately at the situation where a cluster appears only once in a file and more complicated situations, multiple clusters, or worse yet, one cluster nested within another. Maybe the solution to making definitions more compact should be one thing, and creating repeatable modules should be another thing. I wonder what your vision is regarding the “Chains” you mentioned.
I wish some of Cluster’s problems would stay in the past.
One problem is the feeling of separation from the rest of Grasshopper’s definition. When editing Cluster I would still like to be able to recompute the main definition or connect and disconnect new inputs without having to save and exit the Cluster edit window. Editing the Cluster could be done in a separate window (visible at the same time) or the main window could be divided into two. It would be great if creating clusters was convenient as a method of developing definitions at every stage, and not as it is now (at least that’s my impression) as a method of refactoring a working and proven script.
Even medium-length, structured, grouped, and tightly “packed” Grasshopper definitions sometimes have too many components to be able to comfortably look at them from a distance and analyze how the entire “strategy” of the definition works.
Another thing is that it would be fantastic if Clusters offered full support for components from the Rhino.Inside.Revit range and potentially other add-ons that may require specific communication with applications.