What’s the role of /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/Scripts?
I always thought it would be a parent directory to the scripts directories in the version-specific Rhino directories, like /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/Scripts/7.0 or /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0.
However, when I put a custom Python module in Scripts, I’m never able to import it in GHPython.
I think it would be great, if there was a parent scripts directory that would be Rhino version agnostic to a certain degree so that Python modules or libraries could be shared between different Rhino versions.
That is the search path where MacRhino automatically looks for Python scripts (IIRC) so that you do not have to specify the full path to a script stored there when you want to run it, just the file name. But I think it only applies to running scripts directly from Rhino, not GH.
Maybe… In checking here, it looks like that folder was set up for MacRhino 5.0, but it got changed starting with 6.0 to individual folders specific to each version. So I don’t know what the purpose of the original folder is anymore.