GH wont solid union simple pipes

Ok everything was going good until I hit a wall on these couple curves. I’m trying to learn what the limits are on this set, I think it should work but running out of ideas.

I’m using some technology from here: (28.3 KB)
updated cleaned up file – slightly

While I’m not necessarily trying to fillet this set, it fails to union. So, maybe I should remove some components and break it down till I figure out using more simple terms… idk…

Just split the two pieces with a plane first…

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Glad you posted cause I couldn’t find my post after it created I didn’t add the file yet :joy:

So, that’s interesting, I didn’t necessarily even consider splitting these shapes at the midline, but it’s probably a very reasonably thing to do, and if it helps the maths then… I’ll try it.

But what’s your reasoning with that operation? I’m curious how to word that technique :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe you don’t mean the midline per say…

Actually I meant mirror plane.

I think the Boolean union does not work because of the coincident hemispheres…

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I’m not seeing any simple threads showing easy way to do this…

:thinking: (20.0 KB)

taking a break lol

playing around with the order of operations here, finally getting some better geometry with the union:

I would like to try a different approach however, where I combine the curves, to make a more simplified automatic approach. :beers: bbl

got it close, but still fighting with this piece: (16.1 KB)

I’m considering revamping the curves to some other composition. Or turn this thing into something with different constraints / parametrics.

I think Rhino does it easy but GH makes it much harder…

Zoom in on your curve ends. They do not coincide. I moved one curve to the end of the other and the union worked fine in Grasshopper.

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Thank you for finding that. :beers: I swear I checked that already, and even recreated a couple curves. I’ll have to verify this in a few hrs when I get back to the office. Cheers.

ahhaa bottom left corner

I look forward to fixing this :sweat_smile::beers:

So, I put more energy into checking the coincidences or the ends of the curves, but nothing worked. I even decided to over lap them, and still didn’t work. (13.1 KB)


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Ok, so I decide to battle with this, I made sure ‘apparent intersections’ was off, but it was still not easy.

It wasn’t until I figured out a certain sequence that I was finally able to get the solid union to work:

This is really cool. I’m still struggling to understand some of it, but looks awesome! :sunglasses:

And in the end, what do you do with these letters?

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Who said it was letters :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :shushing_face: :smile:

It’s part of a logo I’ve been doing revisions on. And I’m using it to motivate me to learn more about GH :sweat_smile:

One of the final steps I’ll use is create a midline outline of the logo. But I might just do that manually…

A colleague will probably want a photoshop file. They might want a filled in version and an outline version.

This is all just a reiteration of work I did 11 yrs ago, so while these are revsions, GH is making it more interesting :slightly_smiling_face:

Check out this topic:

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That’s cool. I like the sound of GH doing toolpaths :slightly_smiling_face:

But I though GH can’t do ‘loops’ :exploding_head:

Well this is using Anemone plugin for the loops but you could also do loops with a python script.

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