GH, Sweep 1 Issue

I’m having an issue sweeping a simply curve around another simple curve (inside/outside corners all 90, no change in elevation(z)). I’ve run into this problem in the past and had to add a seam to the rail so when I figured this would be snap; however my file is not providing the intended output.

To add injury to insult when I internalize the data to share it works just fine… so I have not a clue what’s going on. As always, any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Intended Output

Current Output (18.4 KB)

missing (21.2 KB)

Sorry about that, visual checked and didn’t noticed anything. What is that command to test for extensions within code?


Continuing to mess with any input modification I could think of and tried flipping the curve…and it works. I haven’t the slightest clue why, if anyone knows I’d love to learn.

For reference the section that is being swept was created at the seam for the closed rail so there being a directional element to this seems confusing. When I break down the point to check for coordinates they’re all starting from the same place.