Get rid of popup messages with python, commandline or rs?

I’m currently working on a script to help me create FEA Meshes with Rhino and some plugins.
But i keep getting those annoying messages:

Is there a way to click automated on no?
I allready tried “-” and “_enter”

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Hi @David_Seidel1,

probably no if you are just running Rhino’s _ToNurbs command from a script. The dialog will come up as soon as your mesh has more than 20000 faces. To prevent that, you might use below method:


Example script:

import Rhino
import scriptcontext
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

def DoSomething():
    mesh_id = rs.GetObject("Mesh", rs.filter.mesh, True, False)
    if not mesh_id: return
    mesh = rs.coercemesh(mesh_id, True)
    brep = Rhino.Geometry.Brep.CreateFromMesh(mesh, True)
    if not brep: return


be aware that the warning message serves a purpose. To suppress it does not prevent that Rhino runs out of memory. Please note this excellent article:


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Thats awesome, thank you.

Another question: Is there a way to simulate the Button Push? I tried pynput but it told my that i have no xserver.

I convert my model in several chunks of 30000 nurbs. and delete them after every conversion. Should not be that of a problem.
Nethertheless i dont unterstand why i have to do this as engineer and no smart developer of meshing software implemented this approach.

If you replace the call to the _ToNurbs command with above example in your script you should not need to simulate any Button Push. There is no easy method to simulate it with standart libraries i know of despite AutoIt


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Thank you. I understand your tip and implemented it allready.
Another plugin also produces these kind of messages. I found no way yet to talk to the plugin other then command line. So i have to find a way for the second “problem”.
I will try autoit as well. Thank you very much.