Here a new version of n Color of faces with non similar color for adjacent faces. I add some improvements. And it seems to give good agreement for most of the uses. it no more uses SandBox.
So the script needs :
- Face-Face topology so it could be brep topology or mesh topology or whatever…
- Seed : a seed that is useful to change the patterns
- A number of color wanted (lowest possible =2), but with autonoumous mode the number of color will be augmented if no solutions found
- nextColorNotRandom, if true the next color choosen is not a random one but the lowest color number possible
- if autonomous set to true, the script try to find the best solution, augment the number of color if needed, change nextColorNotRandom if needed, could be stopped by using Escape touch.
I put some examples. All are solved in reasonable time. Time will surely be very long for a big number of faces or with things like a mesh cube.
The cube (here just 3 faces) is long if you ask for 2 colors, because it makes many tests with 2 colors. If you put 3 colors it is OK
Pentagons is now OK with 3 colors
Hope it is clear and useful. (260.2 KB)