I try to export a large set of pdf’s, all based on a single layout template.
In grasshopper I have a large number of geometries.
My script currently works for 1 geometry, but not for multiple.
Based on 1 geometry I create a detail on the layout and print it as a pdf.
This works beautifully.
My issue when I loop through the geometries is that the geometry is not redrawn. Only the first item is properly drawn and all pdf’s exported show the same (first) geometry
The code looks as follows (credit goes to Dharman.Gersch for initial script):
Input L = layout name
Input P = path
Input N = filename (LIST)
input G: Geometry (LIST)
scale = scale of drawing
B = boolean (run or don’t run)
ghenv.Component.Name = "AUR_Layout.Print"
ghenv.Component.NickName = 'Print'
ghenv.Component.Message = ''#'VER ALPHA 0.0.1\n 2016_04_10'
ghenv.Component.Category = "layout"
ghenv.Component.SubCategory = "1"
import Rhino
import scriptcontext as sc
import System.Drawing
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import os
def get_layouts():
layouts = []
for view in Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views:
if isinstance(view, Rhino.Display.RhinoPageView):
return layouts
def layouts_get_by_names(layout_names):
layouts = []
for layout_name in layout_names:
view = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.Find(layout_name, True)
if isinstance(view, Rhino.Display.RhinoPageView):
return layouts
def mmToInch(num):
#surely pages are always in mm?
return num/25.4
if B:
activeDoc = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc
dpi = 300
#loop through all layouts and print to single page pdf
for i, view in enumerate(layouts_get_by_names(L)):
top_left = Rhino.Geometry.Point2d(20.793756, 408.78)
bottom_right = Rhino.Geometry.Point2d(288.588, 60.43832)
detail = view.AddDetailView("ModelView", top_left, bottom_right, Rhino.Display.DefinedViewportProjection.Top)
for name, geo in zip(N,G):
pdf = Rhino.FileIO.FilePdf.Create()
detail.DetailGeometry.IsProjectionLocked = True
detail.DetailGeometry.SetScale(1, activeDoc.ModelUnitSystem, scale, activeDoc.PageUnitSystem)
# Commit changes tells the document to replace the document's detail object
# with the modified one that we just adjusted
activeDoc.Views.ActiveView = view
w = mmToInch(view.PageHeight)
h = mmToInch(view.PageWidth)
size = System.Drawing.Size(h*dpi, w*dpi)
#size = System.Drawing.Size(8.5*dpi,11*dpi)
settings = Rhino.Display.ViewCaptureSettings(view, size, dpi)
filepath = os.path.join(P, name+".pdf")
print filepath
After pdf.Write(filepath) I have tried to place an ghenv.Component.ExpireSolution(False) without much luck.
How can I force a redraw in each loop?