Feature Request - Dropdown list with Images


I think I have mentioned this before in some of the live webinars but I think the one thing that is missing from the ShapeDriver App is Dropdown list with Images, is that something that I can expect from Santa this year? :santa:

Surprise, this feature is in the making, and should arrive in Q1 2025!

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Almost as good as a Christmas present, Iโ€™ll take it :santa: :facepunch:

Great work!

Happy New Year @snabela !

Do you have an ETA on this drop down list with images?


We did not precisely schedule this new feature yet. As Alex mentioned above, we are aiming to release it in Q1, so you can expect a first version within the next two months. We will let you know once we make progress.

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Thanks for the update @mathieu1 ! :+1:

Hi! Any update on a launch date already?

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We are finishing the specification of a first version of this feature. The first version will likely be an extension of the dropdown UI element to include images and descriptions, like this:

@Mick_Simmering @Oskar_Scherdin Would this version work for your planned applications?

We are planning to develop an alternative UI using cards, like in the below example, but this will take longer as it involves careful consideration of multiple use cases and responsiveness.


Nice one, thanks @mathieu1 :+1:

As long as we can pick our own images for the list that looks great. Happy to have a size limitation on the images to aid performance if needed.

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Hi Mathieu,

UI Cards would still for me be the ultimate goal, but i think this is a nice alternative. As long as we can use our own images!

cant wait!

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