Extending RhinoCompute Server with plugins

There is a function in the V7 RhinoCommon named

Rhino.Runtime.HostUtils.RegisterComputeEndPoint(string, Type)

The idea is that you would define a static class in your plugin and then register that class with compute when the plugin is first loaded. For example

static class MyCustomComputeFunctions
  public static double Add(double, x, double y, double z) { return x+y+z; }

  public static double AdjustedArea(Curve curve, double adjuster)
    var amp = Rhino.Geometry.AreaMassProperties.Compute(curve);
    return amp.Area * adjuster;

In your plugin’s OnLoad function you would add

protected override LoadReturnCode OnLoad(ref string errorMessage)
  Rhino.Runtime.HostUtils.RegisterComputeEndPoint("Rhino.CustomEndPoint", typeof(MyCustomComputeFunctions));

  return base.OnLoad(ref errorMessage);

You will need to install your plug-in in Rhino for your custom compute server.

Once this is complete, you should be able to go to your custom compute /sdk endpoint and see the new functions listed at the bottom of the page.