Extend surface?!?!

is there a Simula command to extend curve which i can use for surfaces?
or a workaround ?

big thx for help

This can be scripted as surface extensions are available in RhinoCommon (see attached).

extend.gh (3.4 KB)

wooow … big thx to you

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Hi David,

Is it possible to achieve an extension of a desired width ?
The extent value seems to be linked to the Nurbs parametrization, and not to actual distances.


Hi David,

The link to the extend.gh seem to have expired. Would you mind uploading it again? Thanks

Hi @DavidRutten,

Would you mind uploading extend.gh again? Thank you.

Thank you! I’m quite new to Grasshopper so wasn’t sure how to make the script component.

Hi David,

The link to the extend.gh seem to have expired. Would you mind uploading it again? Thanks

Thank you for your reply!
I want to make a component similar to the function of rhino, but I failed. (the picture is only edited and modified)

Hi !
The link to the extend.gh seem to have expired.
Could you please share this gh file with me? Thank you very much

ExtendSurface.gh (80.5 KB)

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Hello, I couldn’t integrate the description provided in Rhinocommon to my python script;
Python SurfaceExtend.gh (10.1 KB)
Can you please explain why this doesn’t work?
Thanks and Best Regards