Export to STEP AP 242

Spaceclaim does import Rhino files converting layers to parts (i.e. blocks) still keeping blocks intact.
From what I remember parts with identical name are treated as blocks

I think this is the BIG missing part in STEP export.
If this is accomplished then 3DM files can be finally imported into any Solid Modeler which would be a big feature added to Rhino!

From what I know the only Modeler around which does a nice conversion (both ways) is Spaceclaim (and Ansys is messing this in Discovery which has 3dm link broken since more than a year)

You can import already the geometry of course in Solidworks/Solidedge/Onshape… but if it is not organized in blocks everything is flattened.
I have not tested yet new block management in v8 but usually I use them for standard/repeating parts, not for file organization which is what layers are there for.

I remember discussing already about this with @pascal above.
The point was the block/layers culprit.
I hope McNeelians will hopefully accomplish this now that 8 is out and running!
STEP is an industry standard and Rhino should be capable to export correctly geometry, layers and blocks.


Yep, this could definitely do with some attention. :slightly_smiling_face:

It makes life difficult to develop a product in Rhino to any serious level, which we want to do, and then share or exchange it via STEP.