Evaluate basis function given knot vector

Is it possible in C++ using OpenNURBS to evaluate the value of the basis functions given knot vectors and parametric coordinate values for a NURBS surface ?

I am looking for the value of R[i, j] (u, v), in the NURBS formula :

I guess it would be equivalent to build a NURBS surface with all weights being 0 except for one vertex which would have its weight set to 1, however I am looking for a fast and straightforward function to call in the library if it exists.

@dalelear, is this something you can help with?

In the C++ opennurbs SDK there several functions for evaluation of NURBS basis functions.
These two should do the trick.

  Evaluate B-spline basis functions
  order - [in]
    order >= 1 
    d = degree = order - 1
  knot - [in]
    array of length 2*d.  
    Generally, knot[0] <= ... <= knot[d-1] < knot[d] <= ... <= knot[2*d-1].
    These are the knots that are active for the span being evaluated.
  t - [in]
    Evaluation parameter. 
    Typically knot[d-1] <= t <= knot[d].
    In general t may be outside the interval knot[d-1],knot[d]. This can happen 
    when some type of extrapolation is being used and is almost always a bad
    idea in practical situations.

  N - [out]
    double array with capacity order*order.
    The returned values are:

    If "N" were declared as double N[order][order], then

      N[d-k][i] = N (t) = value of i-th degree k basis function at t.
    where 0 <= k <= d and k <= i <= d.

	  In particular, N[0], ..., N[d] - values of degree d basis functions.
    The "lower left" triangle is not initialized.

    Actually, the above is true when knot[d-1] <= t < knot[d].  Otherwise, the
    value returned is the value of the polynomial that agrees with N_i^k on the
    half open domain [ knot[d-1], knot[d] )

  If a degree d NURBS has n control points, then the OpenNURBS knot vector 
  for the entire NURBS curve has length d+n-1. The knot[] paramter to this
  function points to the 2*d knots active for the span being evaluated.
  Most literature, including DeBoor and The NURBS Book,
  duplicate the Opennurbs start and end knot values and have knot vectors
  of length d+n+1. The extra two knot values are completely superfluous 
  when degree >= 1.
  Assume C is a B-spline of degree d (order=d+1) with n control vertices
  (n>=d+1) and knot[] is its knot vector.  Then

    C(t) = Sum( 0 <= i < n, N_{i}(t) * C_{i} )

  where N_{i} are the degree d b-spline basis functions and C_{i} are the control
  vertices.  The knot[] array length d+n-1 and satisfies

    knot[0] <= ... <= knot[d-1] < knot[d]
    knot[n-2] < knot[n-1] <= ... <= knot[n+d-2]
    knot[i] < knot[d+i] for 0 <= i < n-1
    knot[i] <= knot[i+1] for 0 <= i < n+d-2

  The domain of C is [ knot[d-1], knot[n-1] ].

  The support of N_{i} is [ knot[i-1], knot[i+d] ).

  If d-1 <= k < n-1 and knot[k] <= t < knot[k+1], then 
  N_{i}(t) = 0 if i <= k-d
           = 0 if i >= k+2
           = B[i-k+d-1] if k-d+1 <= i <= k+1, where B[] is computed by the call
             ON_EvaluateNurbsBasis( d+1, knot+k-d+1, t, B );

  If 0 <= j < n-d, 0 <= m <= d, knot[j+d-1] <= t < knot[j+d], and B[] is 
  computed by the call
    ON_EvaluateNurbsBasis( d+1, knot+j, t, B ),
    N_{j+m}(t) = B[m].
bool ON_EvaluateNurbsBasis( 
  int order,
  const double* knot,
  double t,
  double* N

  Calculate derivatives of B-spline basis functions.
  order - [in]
    order >= 1 
    d = degree = order - 1
  knot - [in]
    array of length 2*d.  
    Generally, knot[0] <= ... <= knot[d-1] < knot[d] <= ... <= knot[2*d-1].
    These are the knots that are active for the span being evaluated.
  der_count - [in]
    1 <= der_count < order
    Number of derivatives. 
    Note all B-spline basis derivatives with der_coutn >= order are identically zero.

  N - [in]
    The input value of N[] should be the results of the call
    ON_EvaluateNurbsBasis( order, knot, t, N );
  N - [out]
  If "N" were declared as double N[order][order], then
    N[d-k][i] = k-th derivative of N (t)
	  where 0 <= k <= d and 0 <= i <= d.
	 In particular, 
	   N[0], ..., N[d] - values of degree d basis functions.
	   N[order], ..., N[order_d] - values of first derivative.
bool ON_EvaluateNurbsBasisDerivatives(
  int order,
  const double* knot,
  int der_count,
  double* N

Yes, this is what I was looking for…
Many thanks !!