Eto button color?

I am attempting my first UI for a C# RhinoCommon plugin using Eto, and am having some trouble. I am attempting to create a button that has a color which changes based on what that button color is set to, similar to the layer color setting button in the layers pallet. I have read that Eto.Forms.Button.BackgroundColor gets overriden by Rhino, and when testing that seemed to be the case. I tried working around it by creating a bitmap of the current color and using that as the button.Image, but that doesn’t seem to be working any better, the button is remaining white. Any ideas on how to accomplish this in a cross platform friendly way?

Thanks for any help,

Here is what I’m trying:

// Set up Change Camera Reticle Color button
private Button mButton_CameraReticleColor;
mButton_CameraReticleColor = new Button();
mButton_CameraReticleColor.Size = new Eto.Drawing.Size(16, 16);
mButton_CameraReticleColor.ToolTip = mStr_reticleColor;
// Rhino overrides button background color, so try creating an image that is the current reticle color
// First get the color that the reticle is currently set to
Eto.Drawing.Color camRetColor;
var testColor = WatchedViewport.GetReticleColor(0);
// Make sure we got a valid result
if (testColor != null)
    { camRetColor = testColor.Value; // Value retrieves the non-nullable Color }
    { camRetColor = Colors.Aqua; // Provide a default color }

// Create an image of that color
Eto.Drawing.Bitmap solidColorBitmap = new Eto.Drawing.Bitmap(16, 16, Eto.Drawing.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);
using (var tempGraphic = new Eto.Drawing.Graphics(solidColorBitmap))
{ tempGraphic.FillRectangle(camRetColor, 0, 0, 16, 16); }
mButton_CameraReticleColor.Image = solidColorBitmap;

D’oh, sorry. This method works, I had just made a silly mistake and had added a similar button to the layout.