Error getting object's grips status(c++)

My code cannot get the correct object state. How do I solve this problem?

class CRhinoEventWatcherr : public CRhinoEventWatcher 
  void OnSelectObjects( CRhinoDoc& doc, const ON_SimpleArray<const CRhinoObject*>& objects );
  void OnDeselectAllObjects( CRhinoDoc& doc, int count );

const CRhinoObject* obj = 0;//the object 

void CRhinoEventWatcherr::OnSelectObjects(CRhinoDoc& doc, const ON_SimpleArray<const CRhinoObject*>& objects)
	obj = objects[0];

	if (obj != 0)
		RhinoApp().Print(L"obj is not null\n");
		if (obj->GripsOn())
			RhinoApp().Print(L"GripsOn OnSelectObjects\n");
			RhinoApp().Print(L"GripsOff OnSelectObjects\n");
		RhinoApp().Print(L"obj is null\n");
void CRhinoEventWatcherr::OnDeselectObjects(CRhinoDoc& doc, const ON_SimpleArray<const CRhinoObject*>& objects)
	if (obj != 0)
		RhinoApp().Print(L"obj is not null\n");
		if (obj->GripsOn())
			RhinoApp().Print(L"GripsOn OnDeselectObjects\n");
			RhinoApp().Print(L"GripsOff OnDeselectObjects\n");
		RhinoApp().Print(L"obj is null\n");

Maybe check the status only when the program has become idle after deselect is completed?

Hi@menno ;
May be this guy will be ok, but I don’t know how to get the objects in this class :rofl:
Rhino C++ API: CRhinoOnChangeObjectSelectState Class Reference

Hi @pythonuser,

Can you explain what problem you are trying to solve?

– Dale