Electrical design

Came here with the same question.

First idea was to model ‘module by module’ (but as a GH newbie this is futilely long for my need - I got a resistor calculation modeled - even the 3D component part ‘idea’ but should be easy right? I can see the workflow, formulas, logic decision, add Anemone for electron/wave flow simulation and a output on GH gui components (lcds, leds, etc) or onto the model at stake.

@Vigardo was asking for a low pass filter here:

Someone always has a relative needs if you can design something so easily as in GH! Wave shaping is an old fancy of mine, the more knobs (low pass filters are a favorite) the better… I have an emerging plan to create some sound synthesis with GH in the future…

Maybe there’s a need for a GitHub project to model a shared/github library of electric/electronic/cpu/pcb/computer parts/racks/datacenters… batteries/motors/etc gha components… The MD slider is an oscilloscope, there’s rotary dials, you can output sin waves… It’s all there basically, alas the time…

My 2 cents - i wanted to be an IE at 9 :wink: switched to many other subjects but never took my eye off IE (im an expert in information theory which is next to signal analysis) - can do anything but no experience other than synths, basic electronics. I have a nixie lamp i want to build, it’s in a box but dont ‘find’ the time since i have GH to play with (and learn).

And how do you model cables? 1, ok, a bunch of them? A car loom, DC racks? This subject is opening too many doors.