Hi Floris - MatchSrf is one way. As I mentinoed in my email to you, looking through the curve and surface continuity and surface tolpology parts of the Level 2 training material would be a good thing if you want to get a hold on how this all works.In any case my example was somewhat based on the eariler, somewhat simpler questions you posed here - the result does not particularly follow any useful road geometry- what is the goal here, is it to build roads that cars will drive on or or make something that looks reasonably like roads in a picture?
I cannot figure out how you do it. It is to difficult for me.
Do you have the time to record it and place it in this forum? Thanks in advance.
I attached a youtube-movie in which you can see how you can record in Windows 10 with the Windows recorder. 20161116 plans mostar interchange 01 copy.3dm (411.0 KB)
I cannot make that corner in the picture with BlendCrv. Or at least, it does not work for me. Or am I doing something wrong and is it theoretically still possible to make that corner as in the picture? @timglobal
Sorry man, I forgot about your problem, had some stuff to deal with. But yeah, in general, it is a bit out of scope for me to do.
So, you want to make surfaces that are exact to the shape of the curves from the top view but that are at the same time smoothly interconnected between the multilevel highway, right? (in which case you are working with polylines, they are not smooth and nice looking and wonât generate a smooth surface)
Yes, I want that. So the roads does not have to be smooth in curve, but like in Pascalâs drawing (first picture).
So, I can at least make that corner (second picture). Because that is for me also a difficult part.
Pascal projects the lines on a slope plane and than extrude it. But I do not know how he made a curved plane.
That cars will drive on. You know a better method to let it looks much better?
I now finally know how blendsrf blendcrv, matchsrf, sweep, etc. works (the general basics).
I donât get you, you want polygonal look to your road but at the same time you want it like smooth roads in pascalâs example, you should be more specific otherwise I have no idea what you want after all.
Looking at the transition in pascalâs example, Iâd go with pretense that I know something about road construction and say that it shouldnât tilt this way (donât mind the gap, an easy fix):
So, instead, I will assume that middle section should be flat and that upper and lower levels should connect to it. So make a piece like this and join everything up.
Then elevate it to the middle level and PlanarSrf it. Note that it has exact âpolylinearâ shape that you want. (I see the reason why you want them to stay this way, all your roads were generated with contour lines, so for the sake of continuity you want them to keep the appearance, my guess)
Now, just BlendSrf, make sure you are picking the same tips on two edges (red circles) otherwise new surface will twist. (pick continuity you want, I went with tangent)
I wrote a lot, skip to the last quote for two short questions.
I want to use the flat polygonal lines and make them in height as smooth as in Pascalâs example. But, I understand that it is not normal to export polygonal lines from Autocad to Rhino and adjust them. Now I understand that Rhino users make normally curved lines in Rhino and adjust them.
So, in that sense. I could use Crv2View like @jeff_hammond showed me. Only that is difficult because sometimes it moves in the X or Y direction instead of the Z. @Cyver method of using Cage is in my context of jumping X and Y directions better, because you can use the Gumball-like tool on a certain point to adjust a line in height.
The other method I just learned is that the BlendCrv is very helpful in making smooth lines. But, than you cannot make a road-like surface with PlanarSrf by which the surface has a correct direction in the surface-form. Which is also not the case in Pascalâs sample.
In the end I understand that is not normal for Rhino-users to make curved roads with polygonal lines. So, in my Autocad-file I has to make just the straight lines and some lines which I can loft or sweep.
And for the complex joint between two flyovers I could make two rails with one normal curved rail and another with a corner in it (with trim/split, lines and join to polyline is this possible).
How do you use ExtendSrf? When I do it, I just get a sloppy corner.
Yeah, I tried it on your intersection first, but I didnât get the amount of control I needed, plus the place where mid lane was connecting was always angled, I didnât like that.
Yeah, it worked very much like Shear, you want a gradual bend, not straight.
PlanarSrf works only with planar curves, if your curves have just a teeny-weeny z value, it wonât work, thus naming.
Oh maaaan, you extend the wrong surface, look at this screenshot again, carefully, the answer wes there all along, you just didnât notice it:
Did you read my answer?
Now, just BlendSrf, make sure you are picking the same tips on two edges (red circles) otherwise new surface will twist. (pick continuity you want, I went with tangent)
Sorry I meant Shear. Yes, Cage works similar but better for me.
Yes, I understood that. I meant: Do you know how to curve this part?
I want to curve this as smoothly as with the other roads in height. I think I can do this just by using sweep.