Editing Rhino Options from Python - Run Command on Startup

rhinoscript can:

Returns the number of startup scripts.

Return the list of startup script files.

Adds a startup script to RhinoScript.

Removes a startup script to RhinoScript.

my guess is, if you add a file with .py this will also run.

You might also workarround by calling a command of a custom (your) (rhinocommon) plug-in.

rhinoscript is directly accessing the c++ sdk methods.
phyton and rhinoscriptsyntax are based on rhinocommon.

image from here

there might be difference of what is accessible.

i never tried, but you might also be able to add a startup script using a macro.
starting with
!-_documentproperties _options

because of this thread i think @stevebaer might be the right person to answer your question with more details / options / alternatives.

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