Editing and creating mesh

Hi, I urgently need help - have a deadline. The 5 sided shape in the hole, I need the to be flat and the surrounding edges need to merge into it - the outer part is

suppose to be grass/earth.
mesh.3dm (4.3 MB)

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can someone please help - the edges on the right are higher so they need come down steeply to meet the flat surface but they can’t be completely flat because it is suppose to be a earth/grass.

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thanks a lot for your help but I figured a way - it might look weird but that’s ok. thanks

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There’s lots of ways to do it I believe. I’m glad you found a path that works. :beers:

could you suggest something - mine looks a bit weird. the back part is very sharp and jagged rather than how it should be on the bottom left

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Well if this is terrain relative to a piece of real estate property, the lot will probably have to be something like 2:1 slope (2H:1V) around that area I think (or 26.57 degrees from horizontal), but I don’t know enough about it to model it for you per say.

So, I don’t know what part of the mesh you intend to modify to accommodate the situation.

I might start by insuring the 2:1 slope something like trimming the mesh with a sweep1 approach:

Will this do the trick?

You can shape the extrusion as you like and add a taper to your extrusion like @lander suggested. You can use a nurbs polysurface too with meshbooleandifference.

meshboolean terrain.3dm (210.5 KB)

@wim can you take a look at FillMeshHole in V8 on this mesh?
It appears it uses mesh patch but forgets to take the boundry curve into account, so the mesh gets faces all over the place around the edge of the fill. (v7 works fine though)

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how do I create a flat(ish) surface/mesh between the internal surface and the external mesh?