Dump class object doesn't work in python component for grasshopper

I am trying to dump a class object using cPickle in python component for grasshopper but it returns the following exception.

Runtime error (ImportException): No module named __main__

I am not really familiar with python and exception but I pretty sure that it should work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thx


import cPickle as pickle
class DoSomething:
    def __init__(self, talk, eat, drink):
        self.talk = talk
        self.eat = eat
        self.drink = drink
test = DoSomething('hello','pasta','nama biru')
output = open('D:\pklTest01.pkl', 'wb')
pickle.dump(test, output)
input = open("D:\pklTest01.pkl", "rb")
a = pickle.load(input)
print (a.talk)
print (a.eat)
print (a.drink)
>>>'nama biru'

I just found this topic

Pyhon Pickle not working for custom classes in IPython