Draw line in specific layer

I came across that solution, and I wonder if anyone has an idea how to modify it.

I wish to create a ‘draw polyline’ button on the RCP, so I used Rhino command component (lunchbox), and used Human to move it to the right layer. THe thing is that I want to create several buttons, each one will place the curves on a specific layer. So when pressing button 1 you draw a curve and it puts the curve on layer A, button #2 in layer B etc…
I used Human to place it on a different layer, but it continuously moves to the first one one. I tried different gates, but couldn’t find a decent solution…
Draw buttons test.gh (16.6 KB)

Any idea how to make it work?

Not GH solution but I am using a macro like:

! _SelDim _SelLeader _SelText -_ChangeLayer "Dim" _SelNone

which selects all dimensions and puts them all in the Dim layer.

You can adapt this macro and assign to various buttons to be easy for you to put selected polylines in different layers.