Start the line at the point and move perpendicular the desired distance.
One method using the mouse with Point Osnap:
Line command Start of line select Perpendicular option Start of line select Point on curve option Select curve click on the curve Start of line select the point
Type the desired length
Move the cursor to the desired side of the curve
I’m curious why you uploaded a .stp file rather than a .3dm file?
If you’re looking for a solution that works in python:
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
curve = rs.GetCurveObject("Pick a curve")[0]
point = rs.GetPointOnCurve(curve, "Point on curve")
length = rs.GetReal("Enter line length")
t = rs.CurveClosestPoint(curve, point)
plane = rs.CurveFrame(curve, t)
rs.AddLine(point, point + plane.YAxis * length)
Hi @Mahdiyar,
Thanks for the replay,
I have a doubt, how to control the direction of the line, because some times its inside and sometimes its outside, can we have an option where user can choose in which direction the line should appear