Drape mesh on brep (in 2019 using V6)

Part of the problem was just that the load was high relative to the strength of the collisions, so it was passing through.
Another improvement you could use is to include this new goal I wrote which checks collisions not just for points, but also for edges.
Drape2.gh (25.2 KB)

When you open it you’ll need to set the reference location for KangarooSolver.dll, which is usually in
C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Components

I first posted this and another example of it in use here:

Also - I notice that you are using a quad grid, which will behave like a net with no shear resistance, so will tend to collapse into a curve. If you are after a more fabric like effect, I’d recommend using a triangulated mesh.

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