DraftAngleAnalysis not Right

Hi All,

Draft Angle Analysis Bad.3dm (137.4 KB)

Why doesn’t the DraftAngleAnalysis command work as I would like?

I think I managed to set the correct angle in order to divide a blue and a red part,
now I should recover the draft curves but the result is very far from what I wanted.

on the left I rebuilt the Mesh with the QuadRemesh command
but still it’s not good, where am I wrong and what can be done?

Based on your comments, it is not at all clear to me what problem you are trying to solve, or what information you are expecting to glean from the tool.
Can you please describe that?


Maybe I have taken for granted the purpose of how the command works, I specify my intention on what I would like to achieve with this command:

recover a curve where the blue and red parts join
(which would be the point where the object curves)

“at least this is what I deduced about how the DraftAngleAnalysis command works”

in this photo you can see that I managed to obtain only the external contour as a draft curve using the following parameters World Plane Z and from 205 to -197 but not the curve in the central internal part.

It’s a mesh made up of flat triangles.
There is no “clean” curve there to extract.

Had this been a smooth NURBS surface, then I suspect the CurvatureGraph command would give you a better result.

Yeah, I do not think the tool can analyze a mesh for draft angle curves - if it did, on a coarse mesh like this it would probably not be a useful curve. You can create curves that match the shape and loft to create a surface - that will allow finding a reasonable curve -



thanks @John_Brock @pascal

I tried to fix the meshes before publishing them


I managed to get a surface, the result “draft curves” is those two curves selected at the top right.

it looks that what you want is a line at the transition between red and green, but the tool works more like this, set the min and max drafting angle such that you get the green transition where you want your mid curve:

Or set the angle where you want the curve to appear as max angle and create a curve at the point where this max kicks in:

note that min and max are relative to the direction of draft

thanks all for replys

in fact when he manages to get the curves it’s a disaster


the result I would like to obtain is to obtain a curve
reasonably good, in the part where Mesh/Srf object
has the greatest curvature (with the smallest angle)

looking at the photo you posted I think it would be where I marked the three yellow curves

I don’t always get the average curve where the green color falls,
I often create it where the color is blue or red, I think I set it up wrong. . .

in fact you can see that in this photo the Srf tends towards the upper part and the colors follow this trend.

That’s not something draft angle analysis is going to be able to do. There may be special case where it might give you that result, but its not doing to work generally. As an example a sphere has the same curvature everywhere. Where do you expect to find the curve you want on a sphere?
DraftAngleAnalysis will give you a curve for a sphere for a given angle relative to the direction of draw.

You might explore the CurvatureAnalysis tool for what you want to do.

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in fact I had started using the DraftAngleAnalysis command on a sphere,
thinking of making it work also in cases as indicated in the discussion.