I have a command that in some more complicated cases can be slow.
I was wondering if I can use the EscapePressed event to cancel the command. The problem is the command gets stuck while using the PerformUnroll method.
I found the examples below from a previous topic but both are examples within a loop. So before I try to implement this, I’m wondering if it makes any sense: Will the command be cancelled when it is stuck inside a specific method that’s running in the background and not inside a loop?
Thanks for looking at this. I have to admit it’s a bit hard for me to figure out from that example which the necessary parts are to make GetCancel work or implement it in my command since your examples seems to involve some form of looping (as in making sections at different height). You don’t happen to have a simplified version of this in case it is working for a long time within a single method that just gets performed once on one polysurface?