Different reactions between line and polyline when using list item input

Probably simple, but hard to find/understand why there is this difference.
I have a list of points and with “list item” + index use a part of them to create polyline. Works fine
I do the same to make a line, Error.
No idea what is causing this different reaction (or how to solve it).

(poly)line error.gh (8.2 KB)

Hey Eef -

The Line parameter doesn’t create geometry, it holds lines.

The Polyline component can create single lines as well, and you could just use that one. Alternatively, use the Line component.


Guess I found my own error :frowning:

The Line component was the wrong one (data: collection of lines). And that expects a list of lines.
The regular line compoment does want two points as input. Needs more components.
I think I best solve it with a second polyline component.

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Thanks Wim. I stumbled over my own error as you were writing your answer :slight_smile: