Determine if custom plugin is loaded in another rhino process?


When a plug-in loads or when the process that loaded it shuts down, is there a way to determine whether or not the plug-in is loaded by another Rhino process?

Ideally, I wish to avoid doing this with files because when a crash occurs, the files may not get cleaned up.

Hey @jakemurphy0118,

Here is one simple way. I’m sure there are others…

using Rhino.PlugIns;
using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace TestJake
  public class TestJakePlugIn : PlugIn
    private Mutex m_mutex;

    public TestJakePlugIn()
      Instance = this;

    public static TestJakePlugIn Instance
      get; private set;

    protected override LoadReturnCode OnLoad(ref string errorMessage)
      m_mutex = new Mutex(true, Id.ToString(), out var result);
      if (!result)
        errorMessage = string.Format("{0} plug-in already in use in another running instance of Rhino.", Name);
        return LoadReturnCode.ErrorShowDialog;

      return LoadReturnCode.Success;

    protected override void OnShutdown()
      if (null != m_mutex)

– Dale

Thanks Dale.