Delet account

How i can delet my account?

Hi Tamer -
I’m assuming you refer to your forum account here?
I can anonymize your profile which will delete your user account but will keep the posts in place.

yes i want that

would there be a way to delete all posts and topics if one wished?


i believe the correct answer would be yes…
but it would disrupt the world of some individuals.

We’ve gone through all that with you when we anonymized your previous account.
I’m not sure what you are trying to achieve here…

i am not trying to achieve anything, i think you need some holidays.
though i am trying to be correct, a simple no is not fully correct.

also i was actually thinking about deleting one or two topics which i have posted some materials i would not want to further share. would it be possible to delete 2 topics at least? i am not fully sure if i actually want that but just to be sure.

You would have to ask the users that have spent their time contributing in those threads.

not much going on there, maximum a complement. its about some renderings i have shared in the gallery.

Rule #1: never post anything anywhere on the ‘net that you cannot afford to have public. Once it’s out of the box, you can never get it back in.

Rule #2: there isn’t one…

you have shared that wisdom before and my thoughts have not changed :wink: nothing is for ever. beside existence maybe but what do i know about that.