Defining specific layers for cached geometry in Grasshopper?


Content caching is such a cool, new feature in Rhino 8 and I’ve just started to experiment with it.

In this video the Name input parameter of the Cache component is provided as a string and in Rhino a layer of the same name is created for the pushed geometry.

However, when I attempt to do this for an Annotation or TextEntity, all geometry always gets pushed to an “Annotations” sublayer of a “Grasshopper” layer?

Can I somehow define a layer where to publish to for each individual cache?

The texts and dimensions seem to get automatically pushed to a layer named “Annotations” and curves to one called “Curves”.
I don’t get what the role of the input parameter Name is, since not even Object Name reflects the set string?

Provide the Content a layer before baking.

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Thanks that works! And do you know what the cache Name input does?

it creates an set of objects that you and retrieve or replace.

Here is a push pull example

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Oh, that’s neat! Thanks for the support. It’s much appreciated.