Define number of construct points

I am trying to define the number of construct points using a slider. I would then like to position the construct points at different coordinates. is there a suitable node in Grasshopper to do this?

It’s not clear exactly what you’re trying to do. What should the coordinates of these points be based on?

Perhaps something like this?

Or maybe like this?


Thank you for the message. I would like to define the number of construct points using a slider. the construct points that have been defined can be positioned separately (also using a slider). in other words, I use a slider to define how many points I have and I can then position these points as I wish.

here’s a script that does exactly that (9.4 KB)

It would require two or three sliders per point to define their positions so a slider that sets number of points is useless. There is no magic component or plugin for this.