Dear all,
I have a question regarding the Data Tree Structure while moving some scripts from Rhino 7 to Rhino 8. Please find the attached Grasshopper (GH) file.
I noticed that the Data Tree Structure behaves differently between the two versions. In Rhino 7 (GH), the data seems to be sorted in one way, whereas in Rhino 8 (GH), the data appears more appropriate and consistent. I am a bit confused about the reason behind this discrepancy.
The first image shows the Data Tree Structure in Rhino 7 (GH), and the second image shows it in Rhino 8 (GH).
Thank you for your help!
Data Tree (11.1 KB)
Both result in a bad Merge because one List Item has extra “depth” on the data tree. That is consistent on both R7 and R8. So a way to make the Merge work properly is to add PShift (yellow group) after the second List Item:
This GH works in both R7 and R8.
Data Tree (25.8 KB)
Hi Joseph,
Thank you for the explanation. I was aware of the PShift component. I was simply wondering why Rhino 7 GH behaves differently than Rhino 8 GH, especially Join Curves component. I found other discrepancy moving scripts from 7 to 8, like U and V inverted or the numbering of the Faces of a Deconstruct Brep component.
Nothing to do with R7 vs. R8 or the Join Curves component. Merge doesn’t work with mis-matched data trees. It was wrong in both R7 and R8 so how they differ in that edge case is irrelevant.
Hi Joseph,
I understand your point, but I’m asking about something else.
The following images illustrate what I mean.
Join Curves is pointless without a proper Merge, which requires matching data trees.
P.S. When you don’t use Merge (as you should to examine the data tree), Join Curves does the merge internally. With the same useless result.