Can someone remind me how to go about getting the overload on
Curve.DivideByCount Method (Int32, Boolean,Point3d())
that returns 3d points directly and not parameters? IIRC, you need to do something special…
Thx, --Mitch
Can someone remind me how to go about getting the overload on
Curve.DivideByCount Method (Int32, Boolean,Point3d())
that returns 3d points directly and not parameters? IIRC, you need to do something special…
Thx, --Mitch
Hi Mitch;
I found this to work:
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino
import clr
from System import Array
crv = rs.GetObject('crv')
curve = rs.coercecurve(crv)
point_container = clr.StrongBox[Array[Rhino.Geometry.Point3d]]()
for point in point_container.Value:
Yeah, that’s it, thanks! --Mitch