Culling Points with 2 out of 3 identical coordinates

i am trying to Delete all Points out of a point cloud with the same X and Y coordinate but the one with the highest Z coordinate.
I am a beginner and unfortunately don´t really have a clue wich components i need to combine to archieve this.
At the moment i got a list of Points that are placed on the surfaces of a brep.
Thank you in advance!

I don’t know how to delete stuff with grasshopper. It’s possible (via coding), but I don’t know how. I did manage to filter out the highest points from the lowest points, though (also via coding). (6.2 KB)

If you’re willing to just use a plain python script, I do know how to delete stuff via plain python (just not in the grasshopper context). You must run the python code within Rhino (Tools > Script > Run). You can also look at the code (Tools > Script > Edit). A test rhino file with some points is provided. If you run the script in a production file, please save your work before running the script (though you should be able to press ctrl-z to undo the script) (1.8 KB)
point_test.3dm (44.7 KB)

Oh, and I used regular points and not point clouds (I’ve never worked with point cloud objects before).

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