Creating an Automated Architectural Drawing Analysis Algorithm

I am currently developing an algorithm for analyzing architectural drawings as part of my architecture graduation project.

My primary objective is to represent the relationships between spaces as a bubble diagram, based on the normalized drawings.

I have already solved the issue of expressing the relationships between rooms through traffic connections, thanks to the help I received through a previous question.

I have also adapted the algorithm for creating the bubble diagram.

However, the results were not as expected, as the bubble diagram did not cluster properly.

I believe the issue lies in the bubble diagram algorithm itself. The absence of repulsion forces prevents proper clustering.

To address this, I modified the algorithm so that repulsive forces act when the distance between objects exceeds a certain value (e.g., the average distance), and attractive forces act when the distance is below this value. This seemed to work well.

However, when I applied this algorithm to the drawing analysis file, it did not function correctly. The problem seems to be that the sum of the repulsive forces is too large.

I am attaching the algorithm I created. I would greatly appreciate any ideas or algorithms that could help resolve this issue.
Automated Architectural Drawing Analysis Algorithm .3dm (1.2 MB)
Bubble Diagram.3dm (593.8 KB)

Automated Architectural Drawing Analysis Algorithm .gh (61.8 KB)
Bubble (20.1 KB)

Thank you very much.