Createbooleanintersection not working as expected

Hi, I’m creating a plugin to parametrically create a 3D hull form using rhinocommon. I do this but drawing two views, extruding them into breps and then I attempt to intersect these two breps however it always returns null. The frustration comes with that I can perform the intersection just fine within rhino so it is not an issue of the geometry. If I prompt the user to select the 2 breps from the screen and pass those to Createbooleanintersection it works just fine as well. I have experimented with the tolerance, face orientation, and many other things but can’t seem to get it to work.

Any thoughts would be great appreciated.


Welcome to the forum! Can you post a 3dm file and your code that minimally reproduces the problem? That can help to pinpoint the problem.

make sure you’re capping the extrusion, and that you’re setting the extrusion planes correctly - the normal of the plane should point to the direction of the extrusion. to make sure, after extrusion check if the resulting extrusion is a solid. You might also want to add them to the rhino doc so that you can visually inspect them.

you can try an alternative route, which is to create a planar surface from each curve (assumes the curves are closed and planar) and extrude those surfaces, then passing the resulting solids to the boolean function

I’ve tried both capped and uncapped as well as Boolean split, create solid, etc….

I can add them to the rhino doc and then perform the intersection with the added breps just fine which is the strange part.

here’s a grasshopper script with the algorithm in a CSharp script (double click on the battery to reveal the code)

hopefully it will help you progress (12.1 KB)

let me know if i misunderstood what you were trying to accomplish

edit: might as well paste the code here

  private void RunScript(Curve x, Curve y, double z, ref object a)
    // Write your logic here
    // x = first curve; y = second curve; z = extrusion distance

    // create the plane for each planar curve
    Plane px = new Plane(), py = new Plane();
    x.TryGetPlane(out px);
    y.TryGetPlane (out py);

    //check to see if the plane is pointing the right direction -> flip plane if not
    var orig_px = px.Origin;
    var norm_px = px.Normal;
    var orig_py = py.Origin;
    var norm_py = py.Normal;

    //flip plane normals if necessary. this only works under the assumption that the curves lie on perpendicular planes AND they could hypothetically be placed on adjacent faces of a box
    if (orig_px.DistanceToSquared(orig_py) < (orig_px + norm_px).DistanceToSquared(orig_py) ) {px.Flip();}
    if (orig_py.DistanceToSquared(orig_px) < (orig_py + norm_py).DistanceToSquared(orig_px) ) {py.Flip();}

    //extrude the curves and cast to brep
    var ex = Brep.TryConvertBrep( Rhino.Geometry.Extrusion.Create(x, px, z, true) );
    var ey = Brep.TryConvertBrep( Rhino.Geometry.Extrusion.Create(y, py, z, true) );

    //get model tolerance
    var tol = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance;

   //perform boolean intersection
    var ix = Rhino.Geometry.Brep.CreateBooleanIntersection( ex, ey, tol, true);

    //return the object
    a = ix;

@Scout_Townsend I have created an issue for this

I suspect that the surfaces on the hull and the outline that are co-planar are giving difficulties.

Hi Menno, I think I agree with you. I have tried extending the longer edges of the smaller object past the larger which made no difference. I don’t believe there is an easy way for me to extend the shorter edges however I will try.

There are a number of things that need to be tuned before performing a boolean intersection.

  1. Ensure that all breps are solid and have their solid orientation outwards
  2. Split faces along kinks
  3. Use a sensible tolerance
bool PerformIntersection2Breps(List<Brep> list) // list of breps to intersect
  if (list.Count != 2) return false; 
  foreach(Brep brep in list)
    if (!brep.IsSolid) return false; // ensure solid
    if (brep.SolidOrientation == BrepSolidOrientation.Inward) // ensure solid orientation is outwards

    brep.Faces.SplitKinkyFaces(); // remove kinks from the faces
    brep.Compact(); // remove any unsused data from the Brep
  // perform the intersection at the document tolerance
  Brep[] intersection = Brep.CreateBooleanIntersection(list[0], list[1],     RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance, false); 
  if (intersection != null)
      foreach (Brep brep in intersection)
        RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddBrep(brep, new ObjectAttributes { Name="Result from Boolean Intersection"});
  return true;

Let me know if this helps.

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Hi Menno. That worked, thank you!!!

Excellent, I’ll pass on the good news.