Create Plugin in Grasshopper

Hi, I 'm looking for someone who can create a plugin within grasshopper (eg Karamba , Milipede , etc ) . I am an architect and I know about creating plugin .

Can anyone do it?

best regards

Llordella Patricio

Hi Patricio,

If you are using C# or VB.NET run the Grasshopper, and choose Help -> Download SDK Help.
In there you will find “Development” and “Examples” sections with pretty nice coverup on how to create custom C# and VB.NET components and setting up projects in Visual Studio.

If you’re using Python, currently there’s no way to get compiled components. You can only use ghpython components. There are some indications that this will change in future.

You’ll also need some nice FEM book, but I guess you already know that.

He’s looking for programmers to work with, not how to become a programmer I think…

It’s the and I know about creating plugin part that got me confused.
But on a second thought, I guess you’re right.

if, as DavidRutten said , I need someone to work with me . I know nothing about programming .

best regards