Could a similar animation be made and rendered using Grasshopper?

Hello, I am working in making a similar animation from the one showed in the video, but with grasshopper.

The idea would be to order of the animation with the layer structure (kinda like the layerbook command) and things would just appear from the sky, with a normalized slider changing both Z and transparency.

Right now I am building the layer structure necessary for it to work, however I have a few questions already

How can I make a loop to move one object at the time from the each layer? Once the loop ends it moves to the next layer.

Is there any way or plugin that can match grasshopper movement and rendering?

Thanks for the help

World of Warships Dockyard Animation

here is a little C# that does the job. It is not exactly what you are after but the idea is there.
Let’s say we have a list of 12 objects (could be 12 layers …) and time goes from 0 to 12.
A stack of box

Each object is associated with a number going from 0 to 11. If time is 1.5, object 1 is viewed with a translation equal to 0.5 * Z and a transparency of 0.5, object 0 is viewed with no translation and no tranparency.


move from (9.8 KB)

  private void RunScript(List<GeometryBase> objects, double moveZ, double time, ref object o_out, ref object t_out)

    List<GeometryBase> objectsOut = new   List<GeometryBase>();
    List<double> transparencies_out = new   List<double>();

    for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)

      if (i < Math.Floor(time))
        if (i < Math.Ceiling(time))
          GeometryBase mesh = objects[i].Duplicate();
          Vector3d move = new Vector3d(0, 0, (Math.Ceiling(time) - time) * moveZ);


          transparencies_out.Add((Math.Ceiling(time) - time));

    o_out = objectsOut;
    t_out = transparencies_out;


awesome, thank you :smiley:

I surelly need to take a closer look into the C# side of rhino scripting, sometimes it looks more powerfull than the python “scripts” that I made

For Grasshopper only, I am quite sure the difference is thin, if there is one.

I continue to use C#, as all my library that I use in Visual Studio are C#.