I found this RhinoScript that creates center points for the circles, it ´s working fine, but how can I create a Rhino button to run the script and add my macro code after that?
This is the script:
! _-Runscript (
curves = Rhino.GetObjects("Select closed planar curves", 4, ,True)
If IsArray(curves) Then
Rhino.EnableRedraw False
For Each crv In curves
pt = vbNull
If Rhino.IsCircle(crv) Then
pt = Rhino.CircleCenterPoint(crv)
arr = Rhino.CurveAreaCentroid(crv)
If IsArray(arr) Then pt = arr(0)
End If
If IsArray(pt) Then
Rhino.SelectObject Rhino.AddPoint(pt)
End If
Rhino.EnableRedraw True
End If
;How can I continue now and add