Thank you so much Mitch for your help!
Yes, my instructors’ used PC and the script run perfectly when I used the PC at class. At home I download and try to run it in MAC ATOM.
In ATOM, I right click and there is a button for “Save and run in Rhino”
Many thanks for your help again!!
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
def mapValue(val, inMin, inMax, outMin, outMax):
outR = outMax - outMin
inR = inMax - inMin
inVal = val - inMin
newVal = (inVal/inR) * outR
return outMin + newVal
def lerp(startPt, endPt, T):
len = rs.VectorSubtract(endPt, startPt)
nVec = rs.VectorScale(len, T)
return rs.VectorAdd(startPt, nVec)
def calcBiLinear(pt, bbMin, bbMax):
bX = mapValue(pt.X,bbMin[0],bbMax[0],0.0,1.0)
bY = mapValue(pt.Y,bbMin[1],bbMax[1],0.0,1.0)
def calcTriLinear(pt, bbMin, bbMax):
bX = mapValue(pt.X,bbMin[0],bbMax[0],0.0,1.0)
bY = mapValue(pt.Y,bbMin[1],bbMax[1],0.0,1.0)
bZ = mapValue(pt.Z,bbMin[2],bbMax[2],0.0,1.0)
def main():
box = rs.GetBox()
unitCubeMin = box[0]
unitCubeMax = box[6]
units = rs.GetObjects("select polylines", 4)
meshes = rs.GetObjects("select meshes",32)
for unit in units:
unitPts = []
unitCoords =[]
polylinePts = rs.PolylineVertices(unit)
for pt in polylinePts:
tc = calcTriLinear(pt,unitCubeMin,unitCubeMax)
for mesh in meshes:
v = rs.MeshVertices(mesh)
count = 0
newPts = []
for i in range(0, len(unitPts)):
bLC = unitCoords[i]
lX1 = lerp(v[4],v[5],bLC[0])
lX2 = lerp(v[3],v[0] ,bLC[0])
uX1 = lerp(v[6],v[7],bLC[0])
uX2 = lerp(v[1],v[2],bLC[0])
y1 = lerp(lX1,lX2,bLC[1])
y2 = lerp(uX1,uX2,bLC[1])
pt = lerp(y1,y2,bLC[2])
if name == “main”: