Clippingplanes beyond visual clipping


I found myself in need of a way to measure the distance between clipped objects:

I wonder if the clippingplane object could produce intersection curves that can be snapped to and auto-update when the cp is moved.
It’s great to have visual feedback of a clipped object yet for true analysis of the section I need to resort to actually creating intersection geometry. What are your thoughts?


That has always been a goal, but you can probably imagine that it is a pretty huge project.

Yes, …and no.
I see how history already can be used to update intersections…
Thanks for the reply. I understand this is yet another one on the pile, I’ll be patient


@Willem not sure if you are aware of this prototype that I started on last year, but got distracted with few other projects. It is still in concept phase and needs a lot of work, but feedback will be great. Prototype: SectionPlane (ClippingPlane Enhancements)

The prototype uses a series of commands to set, create, view and edit the sections, which makes it clumsy, but the functionality is there.

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